January - I Survived 2018, but I Plan to Thrive in 2019

Welcome back to Vintage Girl Running and another year on Planet Earth! To say it's been a while is a bit of an under statement... About six months, but who's counting. I've been back at work for about two weeks and I'm find my way back into it after not even two weeks off at Christmas. Christmas, what's that again? We'll have to wait another 11 months to find out. A lot can change in those 11 months and in 2019 I'm going to try and make them changes for the better. I feel like I floundered a bit in 2018 ; somethings got good, like really good and others less so. Is happiness or enjoyment of life one of those spider web diagrams where you can only have an average value of happiness, but the parameters that make you happy can range wildly in values? Some are top notch and others are less than mediocre. But in the end they average out to a middling, happy-ish value. I moved for work last year and have kind of been using it as an excu...